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Cases & Results for Law Done Right

The following is a sample of the cases we have handled as a law firm, for illustrative purposes to show the type of cases we have handled for our variety of clients.  We do not handle cookie-cutter litigation, where every type of case is the same. We tend to take unique cases that are difficult to characterize. 

Each case is individual and unique. Past results are not indicators or guarantors of future results.


  • Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) – Wrongful Death
    $1 million settlement
    Peters v. US
    Represented the heirs and estate of Armand Ott, a 72-year-old man who was run over by a massive Army vehicle in a Falls County, Texas vehicle wreck. The massive Army truck was part of a convoy going between bases. The Army driver was not given individual directions and pulled out of an intersection without his spotter looking around a blind-spot in the Oshkosh Recovery Vehicle. The Army truck cutting off, then ran over Mr. Ott and his car. Mr. Ott lived approximately thirty minutes after impact, with broken legs and ribs.
    The initial settlement offer from the US Claims office was $5,000.
  • Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) – mass shooting
    $2,018,331.41 after trial verdict as part of $230 million consolidate case verdict
    Brown v. US
    Our client was part of the Holcombe v. US mass action against the Air Force for the Sutherland Springs Church Massacre, where a former airman who was so dangerous he was jailed for 1 year for domestic abuse while in the Air Force, and barred from every military base in the country after he was let out of military prison, was able to buy a gun when the Air Force failed to report his conviction to the FBI on dozens of required reports. We examined four trial witnesses, including the shooter’s parents, former roommate, and psychologist.
  • Business Litigation – Defendant
    B Choice v. EDA, et al
    Represented thirteen defendants - three individuals and 10 related companies - in a three-week trial in federal court with allegations of breach of contract, fraud, and RICO case regarding the proposed re-development of the Astro World property in Houston. Secured complete dismissal of an individual client-facing full liability, while other defendants had verdicts rendered against them.
  • Business Litigation and Defamation Defense
    Five-day bench trial returned a verdict of $1,500 against our client. The final pretrial demand was $26.8 million.
    Catalyst v. TREP
    Trial verdict in Harris County on behalf of our client, the defendant, who was accused of defaming and tortiously interfering in hundreds of contracts between property manager and individual Chinese investors whose condo units were being managed by Catalyst and moved to TREP management.
  • Wrongful Death – Trip and Fall
    Confidential settlement
    Represented adult heir and estate of a woman who tripped on mis-repaired walkway, leading to her death. Confidential settlement after working the case up for trial.
  • Trucking – Spine Injuries
    Confidential settlement
    Represented mother and two children who were rear-ended by a concrete hauling truck working on I-10, when it skidded out of control and rear-ended her SUV that was trying to turn right on the frontage road. The concrete-hauling truck skidded 180 feet, hitting our client mid-way through the skid, knocking her off the road into a ditch. Mom and children all had spine injuries. Confidential settlement reached prior to a lawsuit being filed.
  • Non-subscriber employee injury – arbitration trial
    Verdict and judgment in employee personal injury arbitration for worker who had serious and permanent knee injury requiring two major surgeries with implants from cadaver. Developed expert testimony that employer negligence caused employee to have 3,000-7,000 psi of pressure on side of knee doing job that she was not properly trained to do, and was fired after she was injured.
  • Commercial Truck Wreck
    Confidential Settlement
    Jose Najar & Jose Villegas v. United Parcel Service (UPS)
    Houston, Texas
    Our firm, working with The Briscoe Group, PLLC, represented two flooring workers who were at a stoplight and were hit from behind by a UPS truck, driven by an allegedly sleep-deprived and distracted UPS driver. The case settled for a confidential sum after the UPS corporate representative admitted that the driver was reckless and UPS was reckless for putting him behind the wheel after prior wrecks and in his distracted state.
  • Brain Injury – Car Wreck
    Confidential Settlement
    Represented oncology nurse and her husband who were T-boned by out of control driver running a red light, causing our client to hit her head on the windshield, breaking it. Our client’s dormant MS was reactivated by the physical and emotional trauma, along with Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), which disabled her until her death. Major causation issues regarding the reactivation of dormant MS were won in our favor through expert testimony, leading to the favorable settlement.
  • Brain Injury – Car Wreck
    Confidential Settlement
    Represented client who was rear ended when the vehicle in front of him came to a stop and the car behind him didn’t. Our client had an unknown cyst in his brain. The force of the wreck caused the cyst to tear through brain tissue resulting in severe and disabling brain injury. Confidential settlement reached with both defendant insurer for policy limits, and client’s UIM (underinsured motorist) insurer.
  • Non-subscriber employee injury – arbitration trial
    Verdict and judgment in an employee personal injury arbitration for a truck driver who suffered serious injury to his elbow as a result of falling from the back of his box trailer. Our client was given a different truck and trailer each day. The trailer that he was hurt in had 69 prior repairs to the roller door, which malfunctioned, causing our client to lose his balance trying to get it to shut, pitching out head-first.
  • Assault of Store Customer
    Confidential settlement
    Represented an elderly homeless man who was assaulted by the manager of a big-box store, in the store when our client was trying to pay for copies. Our client was transported to the hospital in an ambulance as the result of the beating, and he had spine, eye, and head injuries from the assault. The case settled prior to trial in our client’s favor.
  • Assault and Malicious Prosecution
    Confidential Settlement
    Our client was at a gentlemen’s club when the licensed armed security guard shot up his car on the way out of the parking lot. The guard shot through our client’s passenger door and the rear of his SUV behind the driver’s seat. When police arrived, the security guard and club bouncer lied to the police, resulting in our client being jailed for a week. We sued both the club and security company. Confidential settlement in our client’s favor was reached after the case was called to trial and we announced “ready.”
  • 18-wheeler Wreck
    Lettenmaier v. Soto, et al.
    Houston, Texas
    Represented driver who was hit by 18-wheeler who fled scene after hitting client and two other vehicles, leaving client with extensive injuries. Defendant truck driver denied it was his rig, and his insurance company went bankrupt during the lawsuit. We fought successfully to hold the driver responsible and to recover from the state guaranty fund for more than the mid-litigation demand. Confidential settlement obtained on the eve of trial for far more than any prior demand.
  • Business Litigation - Defense
    Complete Defense Judgment on $6.9 million personal guaranty of promissory note
    RES-TX ONE, LLC v. Jones, et al
    Houston, Texas
    Represented two property developers in suit on personal guaranty resulting from failure of developer’s bank in real-estate collapse of the Great Recession. Secured nonsuit of one client and summary judgment for other client developer eliminating $6.9 million personal guaranties of both clients.
  • Church Dispute – Property/Defamation/Governance
    Represented the Pastor and four members of the board of a local church from a hostile takeover from a rogue foreign bishop who tried everything he could think of to take control of the largest congregation, which was locally organized and run. The bishop first ginned up a false defamation claim, then tried for a restraining order against the pastor, then had church members sue members of the board, which included their own family members. We refused to back down on anything and kept control of the church property and accounts, helping the members re-form independently.
  • Business litigation/ unpaid broker fees
    Represented multiple commercial real estate brokers in suits against property owners for unpaid or partially paid commissions.
  • Personal injury / bicyclist hit by commercial vehicle
    Confidential settlement
    Represented a bicyclist riding on a designated path who was cut off and hit head-on by a 3,000 pound utility vehicle behind driven on the same path. Our client had severe injuries to his neck, back, shoulder, knee and ankle. Confidential settlement reached after extensive litigation.
  • Personal injury / bicyclist hit by commercial vehicle
    Confidential settlement
    Represented a bicyclist riding on a designated path who was cut off and hit head-on by a 3,000 pound utility vehicle behind driven on the same path. Our client had severe injuries to his neck, back, shoulder, knee and ankle. Confidential settlement reached after extensive litigation.
  • Personal injury / amputation
    Confidential settlement
    Represented worker who had part of his foot amputated by a lift-gate raised negligently by the supervisor on a job. Our client was ordered to stand on the lift-gate on the back of a box truck while the boss operated the lift, while not paying attention. Confidential settlement reached after site investigation and expert report issued.
  • Business Litigation – Plaintiff
    Confidential Settlement
    Water Lens, LLC v. Emergent Technologies, Inc.
    Represented Plaintiff in lawsuit alleging breach of contract and fraud against joint venture partner in technology start-up with issues surrounding research and development agreement and manufacturing of frac-fluid testing technology.
  • Bar Assault
    Confidential Settlement
    Represented patron of an upscale restaurant and bar who was assaulted and slashed by female customer whom our client had asked the bar to stop serving after she grew belligerent. Our client had extensive slash injuries and scarring to his face. Confidential settlement prior to filing suit.
  • Bar Assault
    Sanchez v. Razzmatazz Clubhouse
    Laredo, Texas
    Represented multiple plaintiffs who were assaulted by members of a prison gang and cartel at bar in downtown Laredo. All patrons, except the cartel members, were frisked for weapons. When one of the cartel members pulled a knife, the bar owner/manager increased the danger of assault after it began by shoving our clients outside and letting the cartel members out with them, and failing to call the police, resulting in serious stabbing injuries. Seven-figure judgment rendered in favor of our clients.
  • Executive Severance Negotiation
    Represented executive in negotiating separation agreement involving severance payments, non-compete provisions, and use of executive copyrighted intellectual property
  • Partner Non-Compete Agreement and Severance Agreements
    We have represented multiple doctors in their exits from practices. These involved negotiating severance agreements, access to patient records and patient notification, and negotiating non-compete agreements. Many of the doctors signed unenforceable, overly broad non-compete agreements as part of their employment agreements, which had to be renegotiated on the way out, significantly decreasing the time and geographical limitations.
  • Wage and Hour / Failure to pay overtime / Retaliation
    We represented multiple employees of an oilfield services company who were not paid overtime on long and dangerous jobs. Successfully sued company and obtained confidential settlements for significant overtime owed and attorneys’ fees One of our clients was fired in retaliation for filing the wage/hour claim. We sued for retaliation and won a settlement covering all of his lost wages, lost benefits including healthcare pulled away when initially fired.
  • Employee Sexual Harassment
    Confidential Settlement
    Represented male administrative employee of school district who was sexually harassed by a female superior and constructively discharged (fired) from employment. Case settled after depositions of plaintiff and supervisor,for five times the amount of pre-suit offer from defendant.
  • Executive Sexual Harassment
    Confidential Settlement
    Represented male executive of an international oil and gas company who was fired by a corporate vice president in order to promote the female mistress of the VP into our client’s position. Confidential settlement reached allowing our client to start and run his own business.
  • Disability Discrimination
    Confidential settlement
    Represented a disabled employee who was fired after returning to work, with restrictions, when the local boss forced our client to perform work tasks that he could not physically perform. Our client was a manager who should not have had to do the tasks in the first place. Settlement reached after filing suit.
  • Trustee Representation
    Represented trustees in multiple litigations with trust beneficiaries. Representation involved negotiating and securing financing for large commercial property, amending operating agreement, negotiating sale of property for millions over appraised value, and prosecution and settlement of all litigation
  • Business Litigation / Intellectual Property
    West & Automodeals, LLC v. Gardner, AutomoDeals, Inc.
    Represented the owner of an auto-buying concierge service in a trademark litigation when his intellectual property was stolen by a registered sex offender who set up a competing business with a deceptively similar name, and tried to steal the trademark and shut down our client’s website. Forced the competing firm to switch names, and saved client’s website from malicious attack by defendant.
  • Employee Injury / Nonsubscriber Personal Injury Arbitration
    Confidential settlement
    Diania Bauler v. Educare Comm. Living Corp.
    Represented an employee of an adult daycare who was assaulted by a dangerous, mentally disabled client, due to the failure of the employer to have proper equipment to handle patient, and the failure of a co-employee to shut a door during a patient evaluation. Our client had serious injuries to her shoulder, neck and back, all requiring extensive surgeries. Confidential settlement reached after extensive litigation, before the arbitration trial
  • Bus Injury
    Confidential settlement
    Represented a passenger of charter bus injured when the driver went off the road, throwing her up into the ceiling, severely injuring her neck and back. Arranged for spine surgery and settled claim for confidential amount prior to lawsuit being filed.
  • Business Partner Dispute
    Georgewill v. Finapiri
    We took over this case from another attorney as it became more complex and motions to dismiss were pending. We wrote amended pleadings tracking Texas case law, and briefed the issues to the court proving our client's rights, which helped the parties reach a settlement.
  • Business litigation
    King Fuels v. Randhawa
    Won summary judgment on breach of personal guaranty and summary judgment on fraud allegations in this lawsuit over money allegedly owed under a fuel contact over a number of years, delivered to a gas station. Summary judgment disposed of all claims against client.
  • Business Litigation - Defendant / Counter-Plaintiff
    Sykes v. Colassal EMS, LLC
    Represented ambulance company against former business partner in dispute over company ownership and percentage of profits; which developed after business restructuring due to regulatory change. Amicable settlement reached after brief litigation and mediation.
  • Business litigation - Chemical Company Trade Secrets
    VeryOne v. Perfuel
    Represented Texas company against chemicals giant owned by French national government, against claims of tortious interference with contract for fuel additives and theft of trade secrets. Won summary judgment on tortious interference claims, and settled trade secret claims.
  • Assault
    Confidential settlement
    Represented a student living in a private dorm. There was a mix-up on whether the student needed to execute new lease or simply keep paying the lease he was under for the prior academic year. An employee of the private dorm – basically an apartment building with a cafeteria, evited the student without proper notice and by threatening violence and throwing the student’s property out of the room. A confidential settlement was reached shortly after, mandating not only financial compensation that was large enough to affect personal decisions, and an agreement to re-training of all of the employees about legal procedures for eviction and prohibition on threats and physical force
  • Premises Liability / Apartment
    Confidential Settlement
    We represented the resident of an apartment building whose large air bathroom vent fan collapsed, along with most of the ceiling, on her face as she sat on the toilet. The large air conditioning compressor was directly above the bathroom and had sunk into the roof. The maintenance man wanted to fix it but was told by management not to. Our client had a serious neck injury from the metal fan unit hitting her in the face, and by slipping and severely injuring her hip when she jumped off the toilet, fearing the air conditioner falling, slipping on wet ceiling material.

Representative Pending Cases

  • Trucking – Spine and Brain Injury
    Atobe v. Alleyton Resources
    Representing client who was driving on highway in Houston area when a concrete truck driving on the oncoming side of the highway had a wheel separation, with the wheel, tire, and brake coming off and bouncing over the median and landing on our client’s hood and windshield, knocking the engine out of her car and smashing in the front end. Our client has injuries to her cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower) spine, brain injuries, and PTSD.
  • Employee Injury / Nonsubscriber to Workers Comp
    Confidential Settlement
    Represent former maintenance worker at apartment complex who was seriously injured at work when a faulty ladder, provided by his new employer, collapsed as he was trying to raise a new large sign with faulty equipment. Our client was denied medical care by his employer, denied compensation, and was fired due to being injured. Case pending in Galveston County District Court.

Joseph M. Schreiber

Founding Partner

Erik A. Knockaert

Founding Partner